
The Double Overhand Knot

The Double Overhand Knot is one of the most effective stopper knots.  The additional turn used to create this knot gives this stopper knot several advantages over the basic overhand knot while still being simple and easy to tie.

Click the video link below to learn how to tie it and read no to understand more about the this knot.

When to use the Overhand Knot

The Double Overhand knot is great for preventing any type of line from running through pulleys, cleats or exit blocks on mast or booms. We use this stopper knot as our default, it is a great all rounder which works with most line widths.

It is quick and easy to tie which makes it the first choice if you are in a hurry, it is also handy if you need to create stopper and you don't have a long tail to work with.

Why we like the Double Overhand Knot

The Double Over hand knot creates medium size stopper which is suitable across a broader set of use cases than the Over Hand Knot. The additional loop makes the knot easier to untie after load has been applied, in most cases you will be able to pull the second loop of the knot up towards the tail which loosen the knot enough to easily untie it.

Things to watch out for with the Overhand Knot

Here at bottom up boats we don't see to many if any down sides to the double overhand knot. If you are using thin line there may be some use cases where you require a larger stopper. If this is the case we suggest using Stevedore Stopper, click the video link below to learn this knot



The overhand knot is great knot when you need a permanent stopper which does not need a big knot end. Once tied it will rarely undo and is alway a great choice when you don't have a long tail to work with.

#doubleoverhandknot #knowknots

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