
How to Tie the Square Knot (also known as the Reef Knot)

The Square or Reef Knot is a must know knot which has many applications both on the boat and around the boat park. From securing sails to the mast or boom, to reefing sails or holding all manner of objects in place the reef knot turns a single length of line into a multi purpose tool.
By following the simple right over left, then left over right drill you will complete the knot in seconds while avoiding the dreaded granny knot.

Click the video below to Know this Knot !

A top tip to help you out while learning this knot is to practice with two different coloured ropes. This allows you to see the loops which lock on each other as you pull the the knot tight.

If you don't follow the right over left and then left over right technique you end up with a granny knot (see image below). The granny knot will hold if you pull the ends tight enough, it does however have significantly less strength than a correctly completed Reef or Square knot.

So make sure you get the loops as per the image above to ensure that your knot holds tight !

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